Supporting you in community locations

Banking Hubs

Banking Hubs are shared spaces on the high street. They have a counter provided by the Post Office. Here, you can complete cash and cheque transactions from Monday to Friday.

You can spend time with one of our Community Bankers in your local Banking Hub. They will visit once a week, as long as we’re part of the Cash Access UK scheme in your local area.

Post Office counters

If you have a current account or savings account with us, you can use your card at any Post Office to:

  • pay in or take out cash
  • see your balance
  • pay in cheques (current accounts only).
post office logo

Use the Post Office branch finder to check the opening hours, services, and transaction limits at your local Post Office. When visiting, you’ll need to bring your card and know your PIN.

Cheque deposits
For savings account holders, you can only deposit cheques if you have an Everyday Saver with a standard 6-digit sort code and 8-digit account number. 
To pre-order envelopes and paying in slips, you can use chat when logged on to Mobile or Online Banking. Or you can contact us and use our automated telephone service and ask for new deposit envelopes. These can take up to 7-10 working days to reach you.

Our Community Bankers 

We're dedicated to supporting customers who might not have access to a local branch. Our Community Bankers visit local areas each week to help with your banking. You can find them at most Cash Access UK banking hubs.  From June 2025, they’ll also visit dedicated community locations, such as libraries and community centres.

Here are some of the things our Community Bankers can help you with. To find out more visit Cash Access UK’s Community banker services page

Support with your accounts

Supporting you with requests


Find a Community Banker – available from June 2025 

Alternatively, you can take a look at our support articles for more help or contact us

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