Savings and ISAs

To make sure your new ISA is open by 5 April, we’ll need your application and ID (if requested) before 2 April 2025. Applications received after this date may not be processed in time for the 2024/25 tax year

£50 e-voucher when you transfer in full

Want to get hold of a £50 e-voucher? Transfer in your full balance with a minimum of £10,000, from a non-Santander ISA to one of our Fixed Rate ISAs

Choose a £50 e-voucher from one of over 100 retailers

Terms and conditions apply Offer is subject to availability and may be withdrawn at any time.

What type of account would you like? 


Easy access – Access my money whenever I want 
Limited access – Withdraw up to a set number of times to get a higher rate
Fixed term – Lock my money away for a fixed term

Consider how to grow your money

Use our calculator to find out how your money could grow over time

Take advantage of tax-efficient investing

A stocks and shares ISA is one of the UK’s most popular ways to invest, making your savings working harder.

Start investing with as little as £20 a month 


Helpful savings hints and tips


Hints and tips