Our branch opening hours have permanently changed.
The way many customers manage their money and banking has continued to change, and the recent pandemic has accelerated this. Fewer customers are visiting our branches and many are finding it convenient to use Mobile or Online Banking or contact us by telephone for their day-to-day banking. So, we’ve looked at how we can help our branch staff to continue providing a face-to-face service as well as supporting those customers that now prefer to contact us by telephone.
If you need help that we can’t provide using Mobile, Online or Telephone Banking or during our branch opening hours, please call us on 0330 9 123 123. We’ll then work with you to understand how best we can help. Where necessary we will be able to help arrange a branch appointment in line with our previous branch opening hours.
Take a look at our pages to see how we can help you
- Find the opening hours for your nearest branch
- Find your nearest cash machine
- If you’re looking for help with your money, including what to do and how to contact us if you’re struggling, you can find out more on our help with managing my money pages.
- If you think you may need more help with your banking (such as someone to go to the bank for you or help you with Online Banking), you can find this information in our support with your banking pages.
- If you can’t find the information you need then please contact us