Did you know?
You can manage an unarranged overdraft in the Financial Support section of our Mobile app.
If you’ve missed a payment, don’t worry, we’re here to help get you back on track.
Answer a few simple questions below and we'll help you get the support you need.

Your journey with the Financial Support team
Step 1:
Speak to us as early as you can. Speaking to us won’t impact your credit file. We know this can be difficult, but we're here to help. We offer support specific to you. We share account information with credit reference agencies. Entering an unarranged overdraft, missing payments or going over your credit limit will appear on your credit file. This is likely to reduce your credit score.
Step 2:
Be open and honest when speaking to us. We know some customers have medical or personal situations impacting their ability to manage their finances. We may ask a lot of questions to understand your situation. This might include asking you to fill out a budget planner, because we need to be sure that any outcome we agree is right for you.
Step 3:
We’ll talk you through the options available based on our conversation. These options might include:
- A repayment plan to reduce what you owe over a few months
- 30 days breathing space to take free independent advice
We tailor these options to you once we’ve completed a budget planner.
If we agree an arrangement, we’ll update your account to show it. We’ll share this with credit reference agencies, and it will likely reduce your credit score. It’ll also show lenders that you’re trying to pay back the amount. To find out more, visit our what is a credit score page.
Our customer Kirsty spoke to the financial support team and described her experience below
I went to university, my friends would agree that we all were sort of having to use your overdraft.
Whilst trying to keep up with rent and bills, my hours were cut for my job and a change in my income was quite detrimental.
So moving out of London and back in with my parents was the obvious step and allowed me to focus on sorting out some of the debts.
After that first conversation with Santander, it did feel like a massive weight off your shoulders.
So having the live chat option was really helpful, made me feel way more comfortable.
The person on the other end of the chat was warm, and that kind of human aspect really helped.
Once I did the budget planner, we agreed like an affordable repayment plan with me based on my affordability at the time, it was really easy.
I sent it back the next day, and within an hour or so the payment plan was set up.
It was a relief to know that I could get things sorted out and see that change so quickly, made me realise people genuinely want to help you.
And my experience with Santander kind of gave me the confidence to go ahead and tackle some of the other companies as well.
Financial situation now is a lot more comfortable.
I'm not missing payments, I was able to move out again and build a bit of a safety net.
I got married a few months ago as well, got a dog now.
There's so much more I feel like I can do now that my financial situation is back on track.
Independent help & support
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