Future-dated card payments

What are they?

When you give your card details for things such as:

  • Online streaming services like Netflix
  • Subscriptions following a free trial 
  • Payday loans 
  • Insurance renewals 
  • You’re agreeing a future-dated card payment.

This type of payment lets you authorise a retailer to take future payment(s) from your account using your card number. 

It can be referred to as a ‘recurring transaction’ or ‘continuous payment authority’.

How they work

  • You can set them up online, in person or over the phone
  • Amounts and dates can vary 

When your card expires or if it's blocked and re-issued the company can get your new card details and continue taking payments 

Cancelling a subscription or recurring transaction

To stop future payments, contact the company and cancel your subscription or agreement with them. 
They should confirm that your recurring payment has been cancelled as well as the date this will take effect from.

If you're unable to stop future payments by talking to the company, we can stop them for you. We’ll stop card payments to the company name that you give us.

This may impact other payments you may want to make to them. For example, if you asked us to stop Amazon Prime payments from your card, a different payment to Amazon could also be stopped.

It's important that you contact the company to cancel your arrangement with them. If you don't, they may still be able to take a payment from your card if they use a different company name. 

If you want us to stop your payments, or you’ve previously stopped payments and changed your mind, then please contact us

How can I raise a dispute? 

If you’ve already cancelled your subscription or transaction, but a payment has been taken, please see our disputing a credit or debit card transaction page for more information.

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