Credit cards can sometimes seem overwhelming as they appear to come with a lot of information. Knowing your credit card features will give you a better chance of making full use of the card. We want to make sure you're aware of some of these key features that are available with a credit card you may have.
The table shows you a breakdown of the basic features each fee-paying credit card has. This will let you compare each fee-paying credit card type to make sure you have the right card for your needs.
Please note some cards that appear in the table are now off sale
Santander World Elite™ Mastercard® | Santander Edge credit card | All in One Credit Card | 123 Credit Card | |
Eligibility | Only available to Santander Select and Private Banking customers | Only available to Santander UK personal current account customers | Available for new applications | This product is no longer on sale |
Monthly fee | £15 monthly fee | £3 monthly fee | £3 monthly fee | £3 monthly fee |
Cashback | 0.5% cashback (up to £15 per month) on all purchases | 2% cashback (up to £15 a month) on all purchases for the first year 1% cashback (up to £15 a month) on all purchases after the first year | 0.5% cashback (up to £10 per month) on all purchases | 1% cashback at all major supermarkets (on spend of up to £300 per month)
Foreign exchange fees |
Additional benefits | Airport lounge access worldwide - Access to 1,400+ airport lounges with LoungeKey
Mastercard® Airport Security Fast Track - Your dedicated experience through airport security via Mastercard® Travel Experiences.
Global Data Roaming by Flexiroam – use in more than 150 countries and over 700 networks | Not applicable | Not applicable | Not applicable |
Please check your credit card statement and Key Facts Document for information on interest rates, promotional balance transfer and purchase periods, and fees and charges applicable for each card.
If you'd like further information about our products, please view our range of credit cards