Our tips for protecting yourself from fraud and scams
With fraud costing people in the UK around £10.9 billion every year, here are our top 5 tips to spotting scams and staying safe.
- Never share a Santander One Time Passcode (OTP) with another person. Not even with a Santander employee. OTPs are used to verify online transactions. Only you should enter these to authenticate a request. We’ll never ask you to share one with us, ever. If you get a request that asks you to do this, it’s fraudulent.
- Never move money out of your account for security reasons. Criminals impersonate bank staff. They also pretend to be the police and other trusted organisations. They may say that your account is at risk and to keep your money safe you need to move it to a new account. If this happens, it's always a scam. Always take time to double-check what you're being asked to do before doing anything. A genuine organisation will never rush you in to taking action.
- Confirm all new payment requests or requests to change bank details. Criminals can trick you into making a payment. They do this by sending fake invoices or intercepting emails. Always confirm the receiving bank details. You should do this in person or on a publicly available number. Don't use the phone number that’s in the email asking you for payment. This can lead to you checking with the criminal.
- Complete extra checks to make sure the request is real. Take time to do checks when making any payments. You need to make sure the payee and the request is genuine. You can read reviews, research companies or websites. You should also check the person or company is who they say they are. If it’s for an investment, check the company is authorised. This Financial Conduct Authority have a register you can check. Their 'ScamSmart' tool can be used to help check if an investment is a scam or not.
- Never allow anyone access to your computer after a cold call. Criminals want to access your computer or devices. This is to get control of your digital banking. They may ask you to download software, or ask you to let them remotely log on. They may say they can help with computer or internet issues.
Learn how to spot the latest scams
Learn more about using a One Time Passcode (OTP)
What to do if you've had a suspicious call or message
These websites explain more about online security and how to protect yourself from fraud and scams.
These are external sites. We have no control over their content. When you click on these links you’ll be leaving the Santander website.
Action Fraud – information about fraud and financially motivated internet crime. This site covers different types of fraud and scams and how you can avoid becoming a victim.
Age UK – providing a free national advice line and local advice.
CIFAS – a UK fraud prevention service offering ‘Protective Registration’ to those who have fallen victim to, or are at risk of, identity theft.
Citizens Advice – provides free, independent and confidential advice on rights and responsibilities.
Experian – access your credit report and score. You can also get online identity protection and alerts.
Financial Ombudsman Service – supports customers with most financial services.
Payment Systems Regulator (PSR) – makes sure that payment systems are operated and developed in a way that considers and promotes the interests of all the businesses and consumers that use them.
Trading Standards – provides leadership, influence, support and resources to help combat consumer and business detriment nationally, regionally and locally.
Trusteer Rapport – provides free security software to help protect you against Online Banking identify theft and fraud.
National cyber security centre (Top tips for staying secure online - NCSC.GOV.UK) - Top tips to ensure you are doing all you can to secure you and your family online.
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