Standing orders
Log on to your Business Banking app and tap ‘Payments’ at the bottom of the screen.
From the ‘Payments’ screen, choose ‘Standing orders’.
You can also tap the gear icon, found in the top-right corner of the on the ‘Payments’ screen. It brings up a list which includes Standing orders.
Choose ‘Standing orders’ to move forward.
You can then tap on an account to look at the active and inactive standing orders.
Tap ‘Create a standing order’.
Choose whether you want to pay someone you’ve sent money to before or someone new.
Enter the amount you’d like to pay.
You can choose to make this a recurring payment, the date you’d like the first payment to be sent, and how often you’d like to send it.
You can be specific with how often you’d like to make these payments, for example every day, week or month. You can also set an end date.
Add a payment reference.
You’ll be asked to give a reason for your payment, for example paying family or a friend.
Check that all the details you’ve entered are correct and tap ‘Confirm’.
Your standing order has been created. You can check the details again on this screen. If you need to amend this standing order, please use online banking.