Making a payment
To get started, log on and tap ‘Payments’ at the bottom of the screen.
Tap ‘Pay’ to send money to a person or business.
Choose the account you want to pay the money from.
We’ll show you your existing payees and give you the option to pay someone new.
If you’re paying an existing payee, choose the payee and tap 'Continue', then enter the amount, reference, date and confirm the payment details.
To pay someone new, we’ll ask you to fill in a few details. Make sure the details you enter match the name of the account holder.
We’ll check if the details you've entered match the payee’s account.
You’ll now need to add a payment reference for your payment. This reference will appear on both your statement and the payee’s statement.
Once all the details have been added, you can enter the amount you want to pay then tap ‘Continue’.
We’ll ask you to choose the reason for your payment. For example, have you been asked to transfer money unexpectedly, or make an urgent payment?
We’ll ask you to check that all the payment details are correct. If you need to change anything, tap on the arrow in the top-left corner to go back. If the details are correct, tap ‘Confirm’.
Your payment’s been sent, and your new payee has been set up. You can also choose to make another payment from this screen if you’d like to.
If you’re using the app for the first time, you can also find out how to make payments with our app tour.