If you don’t make any transactions on your account within a certain period (one year for banking accounts and three years for savings accounts), then we may treat it as being dormant to remove the risk of fraudulent activity. We’ll try and contact you before this happens.
When your account is dormant you won’t be able to make transactions, and we won’t contact you. This includes changes to your terms and conditions and interest rate, statements or new cards. We can assure you that the money in your account remains yours, and you can reclaim it at any time. You'll continue to earn interest (if applicable at the rate offered on the account).
It’s important to keep us up to date with your contact details (including your address, phone number and email address) so that we can stay in touch with you. If you want to use the dormant account, you'll need to re-activate it. We’ll need to update your details on your dormant account before we can re-activate it.
If you want to reactivate your account so you can use it, we’ll need to update your details. To do this, click on your entity type below and fill in the form.
- Sole Traders (PDF - 1.97 MB)
- Limited company (PDF - 1.63 MB)
- Partnership (PDF - 4.58 MB)
- Clubs/societies (PDF - 3.80 MB)
- Charities (PDF - 1.25 MB)
When filling in your form, you'll also need to provide photocopies of your ID from lists 1 and 2 from our application checklist. If you're a limited company, make sure your records are up-to-date with Companies House. You'll need to complete a new form if any incorrect information is supplied.
Once completed, the form and supporting documentation can be returned to us at: Santander Business Banking Operations, Sunderland, SR43 4FW.
To close your business account, you’ll need to complete and return the account closure form to Santander Business Banking Operations, Sunderland, SR43 4FW. You'll also need to provide photocopies of ID from lists 1 and 2 from our application checklist. You'll need to complete a new form if any incorrect information is supplied.
You can call us on 0330 123 9860 so we can help with your account closure request.
When your account will close:
We'll close your account within 5 days of receiving your account closure form and ID. We'll send you a letter to confirm that it's closed. If we haven’t got the right information, it may take longer. If you have a balance on the account, we’ll transfer it to your chosen account or send a cheque in the business name.
We voluntarily participate in the Dormant Assets Scheme. The Scheme was established under the Dormant Bank and Building Society Accounts Act 2008 and modified and expanded by the Dormant Assets Act 2022. These Acts are known together as the Dormant Assets Acts 2008 to 2022.
This voluntary scheme:
- allows money in dormant accounts for 15 years or more to be used to help communities across the UK, and
- makes sure the account holder (or beneficiaries) can get the funds in their dormant account(s) at any time
Under the Dormant Assets Scheme, we may transfer balances of dormant account(s) to Reclaim Fund Ltd (RFL). If we transfer the balance of your account to RFL:
- we’ll only send them the funds. In the normal course of business we don’t send any personal data
- we'll stay your point of contact. Learn more about RFL
Please continue to contact us with any account query or if you want to reclaim your funds.
To do this, click on your entity type below and fill in the form.
- Sole Traders (PDF - 1.97 MB)
- Limited company (PDF - 1.63 MB)
- Partnership (PDF - 4.58 MB)
- Clubs/societies (PDF - 3.80 MB)
- Charities (PDF - 1.25 MB)
When filling in your form, you'll also need to provide photocopies of your ID from lists 1 and 2 from our application checklist. If you're a limited company, make sure your records are up-to-date with Companies House. You'll need to complete a new form if any incorrect information is supplied.
Once completed, the form and supporting documentation can be returned to us at: Santander Business Banking Operations, Sunderland, SR43 4FW.
Need help with dormancy? Please call our account servicing team on 0330 123 9860.
Head over to our help and support page if you need anything else.