
Suppliers are asked to comply with the Santander Third-Party Standards when applicable to the services provided by that supplier. Third-party standards are documents which:

  • articulate Santander’s expectations regarding behaviours and decision making
  • address the primary areas of risk which Santander faces
  • translate Santander’s risk appetite into mandatory requirements 


This includes but is not limited to the following areas of compliance:

  • Anti Bribery and Corruption
  • Anti Money Laundering
  • Data Privacy & Management
  • Cybersecurity
  • Operational Resilience
  • Sanctions


If you're unclear which third-party standards apply to the service you're providing, please speak to your supplier contact.

We want to make it easier for our suppliers to do business with us. It's important that we show our stakeholders we're working with our suppliers to minimise risk and protect customers.

To support this, we subscribe to the Financial Supplier Qualification System (FSQS). FSQS helps us standardise and manage our requests for compliance and assurance data. You might be asked to provide more information on how you meet our standards.

All suppliers must sign a contract agreeing to the Santander UK Plc Terms and Conditions, so we can make sure we're all on the same page when it comes to regulatory requirements.

We'll manage the contract signing process, and we'll typically send the contract to you using an electronic signature software. 

Our Code of Supplier Responsibility details what we expect all suppliers to abide by. This includes responsible social and business practices and environmental sustainability.

It outlines our requirement for suppliers to register with an ESG assessment tool of our choosing – EcoVadis.

Find out more about EcoVadis and our sustainability strategy.