Work Café Unity Place, Milton Keynes

More than a Café. More than a Bank.

Change Please

When is a cup of coffee, more than a cup of coffee? When it’s a Change Please coffee.

Because Change Please is where social enterprise and coffee expertise blend. Where every award-winning cup we brew, and every cup you buy, helps change someone’s life for the better. Where 100% of our profits, go into giving people experiencing homelessness, a living wage job, housing, training, onwards opportunities — and a fresh shot at a life.

And it’s all made possible by your support.

We’ll drink to that.

Free, bookable meeting rooms

Our 3 meeting rooms are bookable and completely free. Read more about the facilities in each room, and book below.

Before booking, read our terms and conditions

Enigma room

Set up with a conference phone, display screen with ClickShare, chalk board and free Wi-fi.

Seating for 7, with access for those with impaired mobility

Bletchley Park room

Our largest room, with conference phone, display screen with ClickShare, chalk board and free wi-fi.

Seating for 5, with access for those with impaired mobility

Turing room

Set up with a conference phone, display screen with ClickShare, chalk board and free wi-fi

Seating for 5, with access for those with impaired mobility

The Work Café way

Frequently asked questions