Work Café Triton Square, London

More than a Café. More than a Bank.

The Colombian Coffee Company

We are true coffee artisans driven by our love for single-origin coffee beans. Shifting focus from technology to culture, our approach is sharing the Colombian coffee drinking culture made unique by its focus on nature, cloudy mountains, and small roads.

The Colombian Coffee Company is a social enterprise who specialises in high quality, single origin Colombian coffee. Our mission is to go Beyond Fair Trade by ethically sourcing authentic Colombian coffee & supporting coffee growing communities in Colombia.

Free, bookable meeting rooms

Our 3 meeting rooms are bookable and completely free. Read more about the facilities in each room, and book below.

Before booking, read our terms and conditions

Buckingham room

Our largest room, with conference phone, display screen with ClickShare, chalk board and free Wi-Fi.

Seating for 7, with access for those with impaired mobility

Trafalgar room

Set up with a conference phone, display screen with ClickShare, chalk board and free Wi-Fi.

Seating for 5, with access for those with impaired mobility

Westminster room

Set up with a conference phone, display screen with ClickShare, chalk board and free Wi-Fi.

Seating for 5, with access for those with impaired mobility

The Work Café way

Frequently asked questions