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Structured finance

With complex and leveraged transactions, our debt packages are tailored to your needs. We also offer pre- and post-deal support.

Available to

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Management and institutionally-led buy-outs.

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Share recapitalisations and dividend/cash-out transactions.

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Corporate acquisitions.

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Buy and build or roll-out strategies.

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Project finance.

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Businesses with a turnover of £10 million to £500 million.

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Key features

  • Solutions tailored to the needs and cash-generation capability of the business.
  • Senior debt and working capital funding solutions provided by Santander.
  • Pricing and fees tailored to an appropriate level for the business.

Our expertise and knowledge

At Santander Corporate & Commercial we understand that in the complex world of corporate and structured finance, our customers need to know they are dealing with a bank and individuals that have in-depth expertise and knowledge of the market. Our UK team of structured financing specialists have many years’ experience across a wide range of sectors. 

We have a track record in successfully structuring debt products into complex and/or leveraged transactions, whether supporting private-equity-backed management buy-outs and recapitalisations or funding M&A activity and other complex transactions for corporate and commercial customers. 

We offer structured senior debt funding, to help fund transactions typically ranging from £10 million to £300 million. We also take a proactive and long-term stance, offering strong pre- and post-deal relationships to all our customers. We pride ourselves on not only providing the highest levels of expertise, but also long-term and meaningful support.

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All lending is subject to status and lending criteria. The right to decline any application is reserved.