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Partnership Capital Subscription Loan

If you are about to be made a partner or are looking to increase your stake in a partnership or LLP, this flexible loan could help.

Available to

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Only available to partnerships and LLPs in the top 100 law firms, top 25 accountancy firms and top 25 real estate firms.

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Key features

  • Clear conditions of issuance.
  • Straightforward servicing.
  • Swift response about eligibility after a simple discussion.

How we could help you

Designed for regulated professionals working in accountancy, law or real estate services, this facility could inject capital into a business to either fund partnership status or increase a stake. 

Our Relationship Directors will work with you to deliver a bespoke lending solution achieved through negotiation and an in-depth understanding of your firm’s needs and aspirations.

Santander partnership loans are made to an individual partner for the express purpose of injecting capital into their firm. That firm undertakes to repay Santander Corporate & Commercial up to the value of the loan, in preference to the individual partner, once they cease to be a partner in that firm.

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All lending is subject to status and lending criteria. The right to decline any application is reserved.

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