Key features
- Relationship directors who specialise in the hospitality and leisure sector
- A commitment to building long-term customer relationships
- An appetite for helping growth businesses
- A bespoke approach to delivering a wide range of finance solutions
Our facilities
- Day-to-day banking, including full online banking facilities, cash collection and merchant services
- Bespoke lending, including Term Loans and Revolving Credit Facilities
- Cash flow products, such as Supply Chain Finance and Overdrafts
- Expertise in International Trade Finance and Foreign Exchange
- A network of regionally based relationship directors.
All lending is subject to status and our lending criteria. The right to decline any application is reserved.
How we could help you
We recognise that you need to be flexible to meet changing market dynamics and tastes, and that incomes aren’t guaranteed. The consumer is at the heart of your business and it’s so important to understand your audience.
We pride ourselves on taking the same approach. We look to understand the dynamics of each business and its distribution channels. Our support for this sector goes back decades and our relationship directors play an active part in forging links throughout this industry.
So whether you’re seeking to develop as a brand or destination, acquire new businesses or just better manage your supply chain while maintaining a consistent level of service, we understand the challenges and have product specialists and relationship directors on hand to help you.
If you want to expand your business, we have a range of term loans and growth finance to address your aspirations. Our growing network of relationship directors operate out of regional corporate banking centres, to ensure our offer matches your needs.