Medipharmacy prescribed funding to support in expansion plans

Medipharmacy is a group of independent NHS community pharmacies and a wholesale pharmacy business. They operate 26 high street chemists across London, Kent, Surrey and West Sussex. They’re at the forefront of delivering a range of NHS and private services locally and work with Primary Care Trust Management in organising and planning new initiatives.
As part of their growth plans, Medipharmacy were looking to expand their operations by acquiring new pharmacies.
With Santander’s support, Medipharmacy were given a financial boost which has allowed them to acquire new pharmacies in line with their growth aspirations.
Working with Santander has allowed us to acquire new pharmacy contracts in the recent years. Their understanding of the healthcare sector has enabled us to launch an innovative, hub and spoke dispensing model for both Monitored Dosage Systems (MDS) trays and repeat prescriptions.
Director of Pharmacy, Medipharmacy
The business were running their wholesale operations from one of their pharmacies, Santander were able to help the business acquire a purpose-built warehouse, which allowed the separated pharmacies and warehouse to run more effectively and expand its wholesale operations.
Medipharmacy is a well-known and respected company in the sector, and we’ve been able to support their buy and build strategy with funding, allowing them to grow the business via acquisitions. We look forward to continuing to build our relationship with them.
Relationship Director, Santander