Getting started
Using your account for the first time
We’ll never call you from any number shown on this page.
It's a scam if you get a call from one of the numbers on this page. It’s also a red flag if a caller sends you to our website to verify the number they’re calling from.
If this happens to you, hang up. Wait 5 minutes to be sure the line is clear, and then call us on 0800 085 0937.
Visit our fraud prevention page to learn more.
Stationery items
We’ll send you any stationery you need once your account’s open.
If you need more stationery, please call Client Services on 0333 207 2229.
Using your debit card
You can use your Corporate & Commercial debit card as a secure and convenient way to pay for goods and services. You can withdraw up to £500 cash a day from Santander and LINK cash machines. You may be able to agree a different amount with us.
Your card security
Please sign any cards you receive immediately. For security purposes, we’ll send the PIN (Personal Identification Number) separately. You can change your PIN at any UK Santander cash machine. Some other cash machines will also let you do this.

How we manage scam claims
Authorised Push Payment (APP) fraud happens when someone has been tricked by a criminal into sending money to an account the criminal controls.
Visit our payment fraud page to find out how we refund customers who make this type of claim.
Lost or stolen cards
In the unfortunate event that your card is lost, stolen, or misused, or you think that someone else may know your PIN, call us immediately on 0800 085 0937. Our lines are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Writing cheques – for current accounts only
If you request one, we’ll send you a chequebook as part of your account opening. When you issue cheques, please make sure that you have enough cleared money available in your account. If you don’t, we may have to return the cheque unpaid, which may incur a charge.