If you selected the ‘Payment Search’ link from the main page, follow these steps.
You can search ‘All Payments’ from the ‘Search All Payments’ screen.
Filter your search by date, date range, payment status, payment type, value and/or User ID by entering information in the relevant box(es). You’ll need to enter at least one ‘Payment Type’ or one ‘Payment Status’ to search.
- You can search for all payment statuses for one type of payment or for all payments in a specific status.
- You can also search by payment currency, payment amount and payment date.
If you have access to submit payments but not to authorise payments you can search and review, edit or cancel your own submitted payments only before they’re authorised.
If you selected the ‘Go to payments overview’ button on the main page, follow the steps below.
The payments overview page will show all payments and their status. You can use the ‘Advanced search’ to search by payment types. You can filter your search by date, date range, payment status, payment type, value and/or user ID. To do this, enter information in the relevant box(es).
If you have access to submit payments but can’t authorise payments, you can search, review, edit or cancel the payments you've submitted, as long as they're pending authorisation.