Payment overview

Santander Connect is the simple, secure way to make payments and transfers online, at any time.

Santander Connect allows you to make a range of same-day & future-dated payments. A full list of the payment types available is below.

  • International/Currency
  • Bulk payments
  • Standard Payments
  • CHAPS Payments
  • Inter-account transfers (IAT's)
  • Standing Orders
  • Direct Debits (View & Cancel)

Standard Domestic Payments (Faster Payments)


CHAPS Payments


Inter-account transfers (IAT’s) (Domestic)


Currency Inter-account Transfers (IAT’s)


Electronic International Payments


International Draft (cheque)


Bulk Payments


Bacs Payments


Payment Imports


Authorising Payments


Managing Standing Orders


Managing Direct Debits


Searching for payments


Beneficiary Management


Single Payments Templates


Bulk Payments Templates


Payment Summary


Bank Holiday Processing


Introduction to Payment Authorisation Groups


Switching PAGs on and off


Cancelling payments


Resetting authorisations