Measure and track your business’s responsible practices
Even small changes can help move UK businesses towards a greener future.

We believe practicing responsible business behaviour should be intuitive. But it’s not always easy to know the steps to take, especially in a smaller organisation who may not have the same capacity or resources as larger organisations.
Our strategic partner, Business In The Community, has introduced The Responsible Business Tracker® which can help you to assess your company’s performance as a responsible business. The tracker also signposts further positive changes you can make on your responsible business journey.
Why is this important?
Sustainability is an increasingly pressing topic for small businesses in the UK. According to the British Chambers of Commerce, around 54% of businesses are planning to reduce their consumption of materials such as paper, food, and plastics in the coming year, whilst 47% plan reduce their energy consumption.
Consumer trends reveal that consumers are increasingly assessing a company's environmental credentials, while business supply chains are under scrutiny to minimise environmental, ethical, and social impacts.
There are lots of incentives for environmentally switched-on businesses. Climate change awareness is also likely to see legislation designed to support environmental pledges and limit global warming to 1.5 degrees.
Even small changes can help move UK businesses towards a greener future.