Building your financial confidence

5 min read

Tools and resources to build your knowledge of business finances

Women of colour can find it challenging to set up and succeed in business. Our research found that targeted support can help to make it easier. That’s why we built our financial readiness support tools with the support of UpSkill Digital.

Chances are you’ve started your business because you’ve got a passion or skill. Maybe you've seen an amazing gap in the market you want to exploit. These are the things you want to focus on. It's rare we come across a founder that started because of their love of finance. Who wants to spend their days getting to grips with financial jargon?

We’ve put together some resources that’ll help you make better sense of funding and finance. You can watch the videos in your own time and download the toolkits as you work through your business plan. And you can share these with your co-founders.

What's available

Financial jargon explained

Ever find yourself nodding along in a meeting with your bank or business advisor, only to go home none the wiser? Navigating the world of finance can be one of the most challenging parts of starting a new business. The idea of loans and debts and reading the incomprehensible small print can feel daunting. These resources will help banish some of those fears.

Getting your finances right from the start

Love them or hate them, numbers are a part of business. And if you can plan ahead and set yourself up with a strong financial foundation, you’ll be putting yourself in the best possible position to succeed. These resources cover cash flow management, budgeting and pricing strategy to help you get your finances right, from the start.

Steps to starting up a business

Starting a new business is an exciting time, but with all the big ideas buzzing around your head, it can be hard to know where to begin with the practical side of things. In these guides we’re going to offer some quick tips on the steps to take to get your business up and running.

Strengthening your business idea

Sometimes we have one great idea that keeps us up at night, sometimes we have so many ideas we don’t know where to start, and sometimes we know we want to run our own business, but we don’t have any ideas at all. In this section we offer some top tips on developing business ideas, conducting market research and competitor analysis, and help you understand where to start when it comes to funding.